Patient Education: BIRMINGHAM HIP* Resurfacing System |
Hip Rehabilitation After SurgeryOne of the critical success factors for a positive outcome is following the physical rehabilitation process. In order to help achieve the goals for a successful hip resurfacing procedure, you must actively participate in the rehab process and work diligently on your own, as well as with the physical therapists, to achieve optimal results. Early RehabilitationYour recovery program usually begins the day of surgery. The rehabilitation team will work together to provide the care and encouragement needed during the first few days after surgery.You may be given a device called an incentive spirometer that you inhale and exhale into. It measures your lung capacity and assists you in taking deep breaths. These exercises reduce the collection of fluid in the lungs after surgery, preventing the risk of pneumonia. Coughing is an effective tool for loosening any congestion that may build in the lungs following surgery.
Your physical therapist will also teach you proper techniques to perform such simple tasks as:
Although these are simple activities, you must learn to do them safely so that the hip does not dislocate or suffer other injury. Another important goal for early physical therapy is for you to learn to walk safely with an appropriate assistive device (usually a walker or crutches). Your surgeon will determine how much weight you can bear on your new hip, and your therapist will teach you the proper techniques for walking on level surfaces and stairs with the assistive device. Improper use of the assistive device raises the chance for accident or injury. The occupational therapist will also visit with you to teach you how to perform activities of daily living safely. They will provide you with a list of hip precautions which are designed to protect your new hip during the first 8-12 weeks following surgery. PrecautionsNo hip precautions unless told otherwise by your doctor.At HomeFollowing surgery, a physical therapist may help you with your rehabilitation protocol. In addition to the exercises done with the therapist, you should continue to work on the hip exercises in your free time. It is also important to continue to walk on a regular basis to further strengthen your hip muscles. An exercise and walking program helps to enhance your recovery from surgery and helps make activities of daily living easier to manage.While at home, you will continue to walk with the assistive device unless directed by your surgeon to discontinue use. You must also remember to strictly follow the hip precautions and weight bearing instructions during the first few months following surgery. It is recommended that you not drive unless you have been approved by your doctor. Life After Hip Resurfacing SurgeryAfter you have completed your hip rehabilitation, you should experience improved range of motion and have strength in your hip to return to most everyday activities. Below are a few warnings to keep in mind after your hip resurfacing surgery. Remember to listen to what your body tells you. If you begin to have pain or swelling, contact your physician for advice.
For more information about the BHR System, visit: *Trademark of Smith & Nephew. |
Last Modified: November 5, 2020