In the News
Kenneth Sands, M.D.: Hip Replacement Surgery
Questions and Answers with Dr. Kenneth Sands. Dr. Sands discusses Hip Replacement Surgery.
Kenneth Sands, M.D.: Knee Replacement Surgery
Questions and Answers with Dr. Kenneth Sands. Dr. Sands discusses Knee Replacement Surgery.
Knee Replacement: Is There an Alternative?
Questions and Answers with Dr. Kenneth Sands. Dr. Sands answers the question 'is there an alternative to knee replacement'?
Surgery Team Makes History
At 7a.m. on Tuesday, August 15, Dr. Kenneth Sands, Harbin Clinic orthopedic surgeon and Floyd’s surgical team performed the first Birmingham Hip Resurfacing technique in the state of Georgia.
WBAMC Welcomes New Surgeon to Orthopedics
There are many conditions that can result in degeneration of the joints. Osteoarthritis is one that can occur with no previous history of injury. This can affect you ability to lead a full and active life. WBAMC welcomes Maj. Kenneth Sands, chief adult reconstruction, orthopedics clinic.
Hip Procedure Reduces Required Recovery Time
Rome is now home to one of the few doctors in the U.S. who can perform the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing procedure, which can drastically reduce recovery time for active individuals facing hip surgery.
Surgery Saves Bone Mass
The new Harbin Clinic surgeon performed the first Birmingham Hip Resurfacing procedure done in the state of Georgia on Johnson this August. Johnson followed Sands to Rome to have the alternative to total hip replacement all the way from Texas.
Paging Dr Sands
Nearly one year ago, 52-yearold Michael Western of Cleveland, Tenn. started experiencing pain in his left hip – pain significant enough to not only affect both his daily racquetball routine and weekly cycling sessions, but also enough to hinder his ability to walk.
Harbin Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Sands, is Cambridge Who’s Who
Kenneth C. Sands, M.D., Harbin Clinic Orthopaedic Surgeon, has been named “Cambridge Who’s Who Professional of the Year in Orthopaedic Surgery.”
Harbin Clinic Orthopaedic Surgeon Performs First Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Procedure In Georgia
Today, Harbin Clinic Orthopaedic Surgeon, Kenneth C. Sands, MD, successfully performed the first Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) procedure in Georgia. The BHR procedure, which is an alternative to total hip replacement, was performed at Floyd Medical Center in Rome, Georgia at 7 a.m. EST. Dr. Sands performed the BHR procedure on a 53-year-old female from El Paso, Texas.

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Hip Procedure Reduces Required Recovery Time
“The advantage of this is that for a young person…you save bone stock, so when the person eventually does need a revision surgery – if they do – they can be converted just to a total hip replacement. So it’s a stage before total hip replacement,”
Sands said.
Last Modified: November 5, 2020