Patient Testimonials
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- Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

“Dear Dr. Sands,
Here are a few pictures from my June 2008 backpacking/climbing trip to Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park. They show some of the peaks I climbed, the climbing routes and some views from the top. This really illustrates the combination of your work and my work as well as the overall positive impact that the BHR has had on my lifestyle. I hate to admit it but, although I did similar trips in 2004 and 2006, I do not think I could have accomplished it again without the successful surgery. If I had even attempted it, I would have been much slower and in constant and rather significant pain for the duration. Post-surgery, I felt great during and after 12+ hour days of climbing, traversing and descending some pretty steep stuff.
We climbed and successfully summitted three 13,000'+ peaks - Ouzel Peak, Isolation Peak and Ogallala Peak. All are remote and require many miles of hiking just to reach their bases. The Rockies received an unusually heavy and late snowfall this past season so the routes were more difficult than they normally would have been in June. We climbed without ropes using crampons and ice axes and managed to get into a lot of places that you really could not afford to fall from. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from the really steep climbing sections because nobody wanted to free up their hands to take any. It was a great trip. Honestly, the mountains are so huge and the scenes so spectacular that the pictures don't do them justice.
I thought I had some pictures of my April snow ski trip to Vail and Keystone, but they must be on my home computer. I can still send them if you want to see them. I know snow skiing is completely taboo on the traditional total hip and this was a pretty aggressive trip. We skied hard and the great conditions allowed me to ski some steep double blacks through the trees as well as some other descents that I would have probably killed myself without the benefit of the new hip. We did in fact witness a fatality in the back bowls at Vail so I probably shouldn't be joking about it.
As I told you last week at my 1 year anniversary appointment, I feel great and would not have done anything related to the surgery any differently.
PS - I beat out the other old guys to win the Overall Masters (40+) category in the Run for Erin 5K last Saturday in Woodstock. It was kind of special for me because I went to the race last year 3 or 4 days after surgery on the walker to watch my family participate. When I was announced as winner, they even said 'Well, it looks like the hip replacement is paying off'.”
Michael L.
- Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

“Michael, 60, has been physically active his whole life. He was a Navy man for 25 years, serving our country in Vietnam, Grenada, Lebanon and the last Gulf War. And he estimates that he's logged about 52,000 miles running marathons.
When Michael retired from the Navy, his plan was to enjoy running 50 miles a week. But in the first week of his retirement, he realized the running he used to take pleasure in was becoming very painful. "That led me to denial, because I had always been able to beat everything."
For a while, Michael tried to beat the arthritis pain in his hip with heating pads and aspirin. He finally went to see a Doctor who prescribed naproxen and recommended hip replacement surgery, but told him to wait as long as he could. Then, after living with extreme pain for almost 2 years, Michael came across a segment on 60 Minutes that changed the course of his life.
'I saw people talking about a hospital in Dubai where Americans were going to have this new procedure called Hip Resurfacing. I was thinking 'I wish I had the money to do that.' Just out of curiosity, I went online to learn more about it, and found out there were 55 Doctors in America offering this. And one of them was right here in Rome, Georgia, of all places. It blew me away. It was really fate.'
Michael got an appointment with Dr. Sands as soon as he could and had his left hip resurfaced in January 2007. 'I felt a kinship with Dr. Sands right away because he was an Army Major. I call him 'Major the Miracle Maker.' Michael cannot say enough good things about Dr. Sands and his surgery. As he remembers it, 'I was back in action after the surgery in nine weeks. Because I've always been so physically active, the rehab really wasn't that challenging.'
When he was recovering from the left hip resurfacing, Michael began to notice problems in the other hip. He and Dr. Sands decided to resurface the right hip exactly one year after the first surgery, in January 2008. 'I went in for a follow up appointment two weeks after the second surgery without a cane. I could do leg extensions and scissor curls!'
Now, a little more than a year after the second surgery, Michael is easing back into running again. You can find him several days a week hitting the treadmill at the Rome YMCA. His goal is to run one more 10K. 'I probably won't set any speed records,' he laughs, 'but I will run one more.'”
Mary P.
- Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

“Mary, age 55, has enjoyed a successful real estate career in Rome, Georgia for the past 20 years. A realtor's car is her office, and when Mary could no longer get in and out of hers without excruciating pain, she knew something had to be done.
She said 'I couldn't get my leg out of my car. I couldn't even get my foot from the gas pedal to the brakes. I sure couldn't get up and down steps to show houses. Everything pertaining to my job was painful.'
The arthritis pain in her hip had been getting worse for about a year. Mary's doctor told her to speak with Dr. Sands, a new surgeon at the practice, about the BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing procedure. 'I kept saying no, no no - because I didn't want to admit that I needed surgery. And I was scared.'
Finally the pain was too much to bear. Mary heeded her doctor's advice, met with Dr. Sands, and decided to move forward with resurfacing surgery on her right hip in August 2007.
Mary admits the rehab was difficult at times, but was well worth it to regain a pain-free life.
'I was up the day after surgery, walking up and down the hall and up steps. I feel completely normal again. I'm very fortunate that I was a candidate for Resurfacing and I will sing Dr Sands' praises forever.'
In fact, less than two years after her right hip resurfacing, Mary went back to Dr. Sands for a left hip resurfacing. 'I couldn't wait to have the other one done because my results were so good with the first one.'
Mary's happy to be comfortably hopping in and out of her car again, showing properties, without worrying about hip pain. And it's not just her professional life that's improved. Her surgeries have allowed her to root for her hometown Rome Braves, again, now that she can make the long walk from the parking lot to the stadium.
'It's wonderful just to be able to enjoy a Braves game on a Friday night and not hurt anymore.' ”
Bloom M.
- Total Knee Replacement

“As Bloom explains it, her legs are her 'bread and butter.'
A sought after nurse-midwife, Bloom travels all over the world to help women welcome their children into the world. Just recently, she traveled to Jamaica to be with her twin sister's daughter as she gave birth to her first child. Bloom's deceased twin, Hope, was also a nurse midwife. And so it was especially important to Bloom to be there in her twin's place at her niece's delivery.
But not so long before that trip to Jamaica, the rheumatoid arthritis in her knee was so painful that Bloom actually thought, 'Just let me die and go play with my twin, up there.' She tried a series of Humera injections two times a month, but the pain continued to get worse.
A friend recommended Dr. Sands, a surgeon whom she felt had a reputation for successful joint replacements. Bloom decided to have knee replacement surgery in April 2008, when she was 73 and felt it was one of the best decisions she has ever made.
Prior to the surgery, Bloom found it necessary to use a wheelchair when traveling. Walking was like 'walking on needles.' But, within a week after her knee replacement, she was walking and 'felt fine,' and says that she has not looked back since. 'I'm able to walk briskly, now. Sometimes I almost break into a trot!'
Four months after her surgery, Bloom made the trip to Jamaica to help her niece - without relying on a wheelchair. 'I was dancing around the pool in Jamaica!'
Since then, Bloom's travel itinerary has been full. She has tried to retire, but laughs that 'they won't let me!' She recently traveled to southern California to help her daughter with the arrival of twin grandchildren.
'I'm so grateful to my surgeon, Dr. Sands. My life is totally turned around. How wonderful it is to walk, not limp, and not feel my 70-odd years. I don't. I don't at all.'”
Ellen S.-A.
- anterior approach hip replacement
“Dr. Kenneth Sands is AWSOME! He is the most incredible Doctor I have ever known and I am so thankful that I choose him to do my complete hip replacement.
In 2001, I was in a serious near fatal boating accident which left me with a fractured back, leg and ribs. At that time, I was 41 years old facing several surgeries including cervical and vertebra fusion and a complete left hip replacement. The surgery I remember to be the worst, most painful and months of recovery was my hip replacement done by another doctor in Melbourne. It was months of pain, loss of motion so many restrictions and a constant feeling that I had something foreign in my body holding my leg on. I would do just about anything to never go through another hip replacment. At that time, I didn't have any other options and if I wanted to walk, I needed a new hip joint. After a couple of years, the physical pain subsided and for approximately 6 years post my previous surgeries I felt pretty good, needed no medication and became pretty active again until this past year, 2011my right hip started hurting me, so back to the orthopedic doctor I go. X-rays and MRI indicate I now have severe osteoartheritis of my right hip. I tried some cortisone injections to no avail and did not want to mask the pain with medication so it was time, again to go through another dreadful hip surgery. My orthopedic surgeon I had been seeing was leaving the area for a new opportunity in St. Petersburg. She was a great doctor and I thought if I needed to have my hip done, she would be the right doctor. I just remember crying when she told me she would have to refer me out and I knew I did not want the doctor who did my left hip to ever cut me open again. So she set me up with a fellow colleage whom seemed very nice and capable and surgery was scheduled the week of Christmas for me. I left his office thinking I can't go through this again, months and months of pain and limitations. I went home and got on the computer and researched options for me. I would go out of state if there was another type of surgical procedure that would be less invasive and faster recovery. I started looking at 3 other doctors in the area for another opinion and hope for something new. I read about the Anterior Appoach hip replacement surgery and found a doctor here in my area that preformed this newer type of hip replacement. I believe there are only 2 in the county that are specialized in it and i got the best one, DR. SANDS! They had an opening the following week and I could not wait to meet with him. Now, keep in mind I had surgery scheduled with another doctor. After 5 minutes in Dr. Sands office I knew he would be the man to give me a new hip and take my pain away. He offered all hip surgeries and told me I would benefit greatly from the anterior approach. His demeanor, attitude, knowledge and friendliness sealed it for me, you will never meet a nicer doctor who really cares about you and the level of activity you want to achieve again. So I cancelled my other surgery and got on the schedule for December 21, 2011 with Dr. Sands at Viera Health First Hospital. There is absolutely no comparision between my first hip operation and one I recently had. Only 3 nights in the hospital, home the 4th morning. I was full weight bearing on my surgical hip. I was able to get in the shower myself prior to leaving the hospital. I think I used the walker 1 or 2 days once home. I basically had no restrictions, just what my body could do. Of course, I had some muscle atrophy because of the pain I was in a few months prior to my surgery and slight incisional pain for a couple weeks after my surgery. I started outpatient physical therapy 8 days post-op here in Indialantic. I was riding my bike 2 weeks post-op and doing yard work 3 weeks post-op.
As I told Dr. Sands before my surgery and after my surgery.....I am so thankful that I found him and I am so happy that I didn't settle for the old type of hip surgery. I am pain free, I can smile again. I am alive! Thank you Dr. Sands!”
Patricia Harton
- Knee Revision and Hip Revision
“It is difficult when you feel your life is at stake, as each day passes, sensing your body becoming more fragile and weaker. That best describes my condition the first day I met Dr. Ken Sands in Rome, GA, in his exam room. I had been turned away from so many orthopaedic surgeons, I was not sure Dr. Sands would listen to my daughter's theory based on her documentation of my health issues since my physical demise began.
Due to his tremendous insight, and knowledge that certain types of metals do cause metal allergies, my life was saved! If not for his God-given skills, surgical experience and open-mindedness, I really don't believe I would be alive or have any of the quality of life I have been blessed to regain.
As believers in God, we have come to understand that Dr. Sands was placed in our path, as prayers were lifted for the right physician to help me. My original orthopaedic stated, "There is nothing wrong with your knee replacement. It's just something you are going to have to live with."
The first revision Dr. Sands did in August 2009, proved my original orthopaedic surgeon was wrong. My knee replacement was a failed replacement, never adhering to my bone. The top part of the knee fell into Dr. Sands' hands and the bottom implant easily slid out.
I had asked repeatedly, in an almost begging plea, for my original orthopaedic surgeon, to please help me due to the worsening of my ongoing pain. After 33 months wanting to believe he could assist me, my daughter began doing research.
She discovered my overall health problems to be linked to the types of metals in my knee implants. Dr. Sands referred us to a dermatologist. When the patch skin test did not show adequate results, he performed a MELISA® blood allergy test. ( The lab results showed I had a positive allergy strongest to Nickel. My implants were Nickel-Cobalt-Chromium. Later, my hip replacement also had revisions with major complications, due to the same metals from the original replacement.
Dr. Sands was meticulous with his work on both of my revisions (knee and hip). He never gave up and encouraged me not to give up - even when some extensive barriers came unexpected. Due to a diagnosis of Inflammatory Myopathy - muscle issues and toxicity created problems so my body would not heal properly. But he worked with me, until I was able to walk again!
He is a very compassionate man to his patients, and the patient's families. Dr. Sands was always attentive to my daughter's research where she based her theory on credible medical case studies and references from the United Kingdom. I do not believe my metal allergy case is as rare as the U.S. statistics reveal.
My daughter, Christa Davis, has written a book about my unusual and in-depth journey. Dr. Sands was gracious to write the introduction to Steel Standing. His name, along with all the other physicians in the content, was purposely changed to protect the skeptics and naysayers.
My daughter was led to depict the incredible mysterious journey. She was my caregiver for three years and witnessed the accounts, as stated in Steel Standing, as I began to recover to better health!
Steel Standing was written to help educate others seeking a physician like Ken Sands, M.D. Based on my experience, physicians with his skills and humanitarian acts of kindness, are far and few between!
Dr. Sands will always be my first choice for orthopaedic care, no matter the distance in our locations! I am grateful to Dr. Sands. It is because of his incredible surgical skills on my knee and hip, that I am able to walk again, and with a steady gait.
Most recently (Feb 17, 2012), my medical case was deemed a "medical breakthrough" by my neurologist from an academic medical center.
The journey I have lived through would not have been successful, if not for God, and for Dr. Sands being placed in my path.
Patricia Davis Harton”
Ray Scott
- Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

“Hi Folks,
My Name is Ray, 46 years and an Airline Pilot.
About a year ago my Hip totally gave out on Me. Eighteen years prior I was in an accident; the trauma was a dislocation. Now the pain had become unbearable. I could not windsurf, surf, step into a car or even walk through the Terminal at an Airport. Something had to be done!
I have the ways and means to go anywhere in the world for treatment. After months of research, recommendations and consultations; everything directed to Dr. Sands and the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing.
I went into his office having done my homework. During my consultation Dr. Sands thoughtfully explained the options (Dr. Sands was the only one for whom even presented options) and risk for a person my age, and answered every question I could throw his way. Just the type of individual Iâd like to have on a Flight Crew/Co-Pilot.
Dr. Sands and his staff, the surgery, the hospital, the nurses, the home health care and Rehabilitation facility all hit a home run and I am Pain Free! Today I am back to work and play 100%. I am so grateful for a second chance. We are fortunate to live in a day and age of this technology and expertise.
It is my hope Dr. Sands would be as comfortable flying as a passenger on my flight as I felt confident placing my future in his hands.
Thank You.”
Charlene F Montour
- Total Right Knee Replacement
“The decision to have a Total Knee Replacement was a difficult process for me. I put it off for many years until I met Dr. Kenneth Sands. My first appointment was stellar. His handshake and presence immediately created confidence. Dr. Sands demonstrated calmness when reviewing my MRI. All my questions were answered with clarity. He did not rush as he wanted to be sure I understood the procedure and post-op weeks. He has impeccable listening skills.
I am 6 weeks post op and have enjoyed physical therapy as I was able to give it my all. My incision looks beautiful and my family and friends are amazed with my progress. Two weeks out of surgery the physical therapist couldn't believe my measurements. I could flex my knee to 117 and extend to 0. At six weeks I am at 132-0.
A few years back I read a book titled, "In Search OF Excellence" by Thomas Peters. I identify Dr. Kenneth Sands as a person who has achieved this EXCELLENCE. Thank you Dr. Sands for making a huge difference in my life. Charlene Montour”
George M.
- Right Hip Replacement
“I have played sports all my life and in my later years ( I am an active 70 year old) I have learned to really enjoy golf both for the sport and the socialization. When I started to experience pain in my right hip several years ago, I ignored it until an x-ray reveled a degree of joint destruction that, I was advised, would only get worse. And, of course it did.
I was referred to Dr. Sands by a family member who was a wealth of information about his training, his accomplishments as a surgeon and his status as a respected and admired physician. This impressive and convincing referral resulted in my wife and I relocating from South Carolina to Florida for a month so that Dr. Sands could perform my surgery.
In May of this year, Dr. Sands replaced my right hip using the anterior approach and I was up walking and out of the hospital in three days. After two weeks of daily physical therapy in Florida, my wife and I returned to South Carolina where I completed two additional weeks of PT for strength training. I was back on the golf course with no restrictions by September 1. In addition, the absence of pain and discomfort encouraged me to resume my interest in bowling which I now do regularly with friends.
Dr. Sands' knowledge, skill and genuine caring attitude were key to my comfort throughtout the surgery and recovry process.
- right hip replacement
“I could not walk from the pain. Dr. Sands golden hands gave me back my life. I am 87yrs old and feel great. He is a great person and Dr. Thank you ”
Kristine S.
- right and left knee replacement
“Without going into detail, I went through 5 yrs. of knee pain, sitting, standing, walking - I had reservations and fear about knee surgery. When I had reached the end of my rope - I got an appointment with Dr. Kenneth Sands. He gave me the information I needed and we set out on our 1st adventure! Left knee, Sept. 29, 2014; Right knee, Sept. 2, 2015.
I am back to riding my bike, swimming, playing with my grandchildren, rough housing with my 3 dogs and, above all, as my husband said, "You are finally walking without a limp and signs of pain for the first time in 5 yrs!"
Dr. Sands has provided me a new lease on life at age 63. I have only one regret - I waited too long!
THANK YOU, Dr. Sands, and your wonderful staff!”
Cheryl Marbry
- Anterior Hip Replacement

“My name is Cheryl Marbry I was 57 at this time.. I have always been very active, I love my Zumba class and can never sit still. Three and a half years ago I was told by my family practice doctor that I had pulled a muscle in my groin area on a weight machine. I suffered for a year waiting and hoping that this constant and sometimes excruciating pain would go away. I went to an orthopedic surgeon and was finally told I needed hip replacement. I was in shock needless to say after being told I only had pulled a muscle. I was then sent to physical therapy while waiting to get an appointment with a hip surgeon. I was directed to a surgeon at first that did the direct approach hip replacement. My angel was watching over me and I was informed of an another surgeon that used a different approach...the anterior approach for total hip replacement. After hearing the pros and cons of each approach...which there weren't really any pros for the direct approach...I found myself in the hands of Dr. Kenneth Sands. I am now awaiting my other hip replacement surgery with Dr Sands and I can tell you I wouldn't want anyone else. His concerns are with the patient as a whole. He takes the time to answer every question the patient or the patient's family might have concerning the surgery and recovery. His knowledge, expertise and bedside manner make him an outstanding surgeon. My life has turned around thanks to you Dr. Sands...”
Marilyn P
- Hip replacement

“Dr. Sands did my hip replacement and I am now a very happy lady! He has a fantastic personality, perfect bedside manner, all that plus being a sensational surgeon.
I give him 5 gold stars and highly recommend him. He operated from Sebastian Medical Center, a smaller hospital with an outstanding staff. ”
- Total knee replacement both knees and left hip replacement
“After a years of pain in both knees from sports I had both knees total replaced and my left hip. A different times. Dr Sands is an excellent doctor. I am very happy with the outcome from my surgeries. ”
Martin Koerner
- Hip Replacement Surgery
“Dear Dr. Sands,
I would like to thank you and your staff for taking such good care of me during this process of getting total hip replacement surgery! From the onset, you and your staff have provided me with excellent, professional, caring, and friendly care. P.Aâs Angelique Sneeden and Joe Canestrari treated me and took the time to listen to my concerns and questions. They are both experts in their field, caring, compassionate, and overall Outstanding! I really appreciated the fact that you all seemed genuinely concerned for my well-being and took the time to explain the many facets of the process of having hip replacement surgery. For me, it was a life changing experience and you all treated it as such. I fully realize you all do this every day and see many patients. However, you and your team took the time to make me feel like I was your only patient. Thank you! I would also like to thank Jennifer Cecil and Sarah Falcone for taking the time to answer my many questions and working with me on getting all of the pre-surgery requirements completed. I am not sure how they keep track of so many patients and ensure all of the appropriate tasks are completed to ensure the surgery goes off without a hitch. They were a great help and put me at ease throughout the process. The Melbourne Regional Medical Center is an outstanding hospital and the staff treated me with unbelievable care. I did take the time to write them and thank them as well.
Finally, I would like to thank you! Thank you for performing the surgery and taking the pain away that I have been dealing with for almost an entire year! The surgery you performed was life changing for me. For a person who has not undergone many medical procedures, this was a big deal for me and my family. I cannot thank you enough for taking the pain away and making me WELL again! Thank you for having a staff that is caring, professional, efficient, and friendly! Thank you, Dr. Sands!
Martin Koerner
Last Modified: November 5, 2020